In my recent #LetterAuthor83 of Mark of Odin I have published the titles and synopses of the three bonus chapters that Mark of Odin: Ragnarok will have. These DLC will be the main axis of the extended content of the third installment of the saga and will be complemented by the stories of Volume 3 of the Odinpedia.
So without further ado, I want to share their titles and descriptions here:
The Dark Hybrid
“Throughout the first three Mark of Odin books there has been a shadow cast by a disturbing character. Find out now what his story is and how he became the hybrid destined to change everything. ”
Prisoner of Fate
“After the events of Ragnarok, there are many open wounds, both on Earth and in the Federation. Closing them and bringing postures closer will not be easy for two such different civilizations. Although it will be more difficult for Tristán to assume the consequences of his actions and the fate that he has had to live.
The Chosen’s Crusade
“For everyone, Ragnarok, the battle of the end times has already taken place. It is the beginning of a new era full of hope and prosperity. For everyone, except for Luis. Continuous visions of darkness and destruction torment him, forcing him to undertake a crusade to find the answers that will show him if they are true or not.
My goal is to be able to publish the first bonus chapter before the end of this year and the other two throughout 2023.